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Monday, March 11, 2013

Chương trình thầy Phạm Việt Hưng gửi cho lớp.

Tải file chạy tại đây
Hàm main

package pathfinding;

import pathfinding.frame.MainFrame;

public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
MainFrame mainFrame = new MainFrame();

package pathfinding.finder.d10cn.test;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PCell;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PDirection;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PGrid;
import pathfinding.finder.AbstractPFinder;

public class BFSFinder extends AbstractPFinder {
private final Queue<PState> mStateQueue;

private final boolean[][] mVisitedCell;

private int mVisitedNo;

public BFSFinder(PGrid grid) {
// set grid

// Initialised State Queue
mStateQueue = new LinkedList<>();

// Initialised Visited Cell
mVisitedCell = new boolean[PGrid.GRID_SIZE][PGrid.GRID_SIZE];

mVisitedNo = 0;

public List<PDirection> find() {
// Get the start stage
mStateQueue.add(new PState(mGrid.getStart(), new LinkedList<PDirection>()));

while (!mStateQueue.isEmpty()) {

// Get current
PState current = mStateQueue.poll();
PCell currentCell = current.getPCell();
if (!isVisited(currentCell)) {
// Set visited cell
mVisitedCell[currentCell.getCol()][currentCell.getRow()] = true;

// Check if gold
if (mGrid.isGold(current.getPCell())) {
return current.getPath();
// Get next and add to the queue O
List<PState> nexts = getNextState(current);
for (PState state : nexts) {
return null;

private List<PState> getNextState(PState current) {
List<PState> nexts = new LinkedList<>();

// Get current position
// Get current path
PCell cell = current.getPCell();
List<PDirection> path = current.getPath();

PDirection[] nextDirection;
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
// If there is a last direction
PDirection lastDirection = path.get(path.size() - 1);

// According to the last direction choose only 5 remaining direction
switch (lastDirection) {
case N:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E };
case NE:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE };
case E:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S };
case SE:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW };
case S:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W };
case SW:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW };
case W:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N };
case NW:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE };
// Never happen
nextDirection = null;
} else {
// If no previous direction is found, try all 8
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE };

getNextState(nexts, cell, path, nextDirection);

return nexts;

private void getNextState(List<PState> nextPStates, PCell cell, List<PDirection> path, PDirection[] directions) {
for (PDirection direction : directions) {

// Calculate next position
int nextCol = direction.getNextCol(cell.getCol());
int nextRow = direction.getNextRow(cell.getRow());

PCell nextCell = new PCell(nextCol, nextRow);

if (mGrid.isValidCell(nextCell)) {
// Clone old path
List<PDirection> nextPath = new LinkedList<>(path);

// Add next direction

// Add this to nextPStates
nextPStates.add(new PState(nextCell, nextPath));

private boolean isVisited(PCell cell) {
return mVisitedCell[cell.getCol()][cell.getRow()];

package pathfinding.finder.d10cn.test;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PCell;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PDirection;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PGrid;
import pathfinding.finder.AbstractPFinder;

public class BFSWithUpperBoundFinder extends AbstractPFinder {
private final Queue<PState> mStateQueue;

private final boolean[][] mVisitedCell;

private int mVisitedNo;

public BFSWithUpperBoundFinder(PGrid grid) {
// set grid

// Initialised State Queue
mStateQueue = new LinkedList<>();

// Initialised Visited Cell
mVisitedCell = new boolean[PGrid.GRID_SIZE][PGrid.GRID_SIZE];

mVisitedNo = 0;

public List<PDirection> find() {
// Get the start stage
mStateQueue.add(new PState(mGrid.getStart(), new LinkedList<PDirection>()));

while (!mStateQueue.isEmpty()) {

// Get current
PState current = mStateQueue.poll();
PCell currentCell = current.getPCell();
if (!isVisited(currentCell)) {
// Set visited cell
mVisitedCell[currentCell.getCol()][currentCell.getRow()] = true;

// Check if gold
if (mGrid.isGold(current.getPCell())) {
return current.getPath();
// Get next and add to the queue O
List<PState> nexts = getNextState(current);
for (PState state : nexts) {
return null;

private List<PState> getNextState(PState current) {
List<PState> nexts = new LinkedList<>();

// Get current position
// Get current path
PCell cell = current.getPCell();
List<PDirection> path = current.getPath();

PDirection[] nextDirection;
if (!path.isEmpty()) {
// If there is a last direction
PDirection lastDirection = path.get(path.size() - 1);

// According to the last direction choose only 5 remaining direction
switch (lastDirection) {
case N:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E };
case NE:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE };
case E:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.N, PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S };
case SE:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.NE, PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW };
case S:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W };
case SW:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW };
case W:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N };
case NW:
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE };
// Never happen
nextDirection = null;
} else {
// If no previous direction is found, try all 8
nextDirection = new PDirection[] { PDirection.E, PDirection.SE, PDirection.S, PDirection.SW, PDirection.W, PDirection.NW, PDirection.N, PDirection.NE };

getNextState(nexts, cell, path, nextDirection);

return nexts;

private void getNextState(List<PState> nextPStates, PCell cell, List<PDirection> path, PDirection[] directions) {
for (PDirection direction : directions) {

// Calculate next position
int nextCol = direction.getNextCol(cell.getCol());
int nextRow = direction.getNextRow(cell.getRow());

PCell nextCell = new PCell(nextCol, nextRow);

if (mGrid.isValidCell(nextCell) && isAcceptable(nextCell)) {
// Clone old path
List<PDirection> nextPath = new LinkedList<>(path);

// Add next direction

// Add this to nextPStates
nextPStates.add(new PState(nextCell, nextPath));

// This function return true if the next cell is acceptable in term of cost, cost <= 0 in this case
// (The range is from -1000 to 1000
// This function assume the cell is valid
private boolean isAcceptable(PCell cell) {
return mGrid.getCost(cell) <= 0;

private boolean isVisited(PCell cell) {
return mVisitedCell[cell.getCol()][cell.getRow()];

package pathfinding.finder.d10cn.test;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PCell;
import pathfinding.enviroment.PDirection;

public class PState {
private final PCell mCell;
private final List<PDirection> mPath;

public PState(PCell cell, List<PDirection> path) {
mCell = cell;
mPath = path;

public PCell getPCell() {
return mCell;

public List<PDirection> getPath() {
return new LinkedList(mPath);



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